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Lizzie Mayne Designs

Lizzie Mayne Designs

HEREFORD, United Kingdom


Hi I’m Lizzie from the UK. I am a dynamic and creative individual who has journeyed through a remarkable career path. My early years were immersed in the burgeoning electronics and mobile phone industries, where I witnessed first-hand the technological evolution that would shape the future. Embracing life's transitions, I paused my career to nurture my family of three, a period that reflects my dedication to my loved ones. With an unquenchable thirst for creativity, I returned to the professional world as a mature student, diving into the realm of graphic design. My journey in this field was marked by success and recognition, particularly in the graphic design print industry, where I honed my skills and left an indelible mark. As I embraced retirement, my passion for creativity took a new turn. I found myself fascinated by the beauty and complexity of repetitive patterns, a love that seamlessly blended with my rich experience in the arts and crafts. This newfound interest has led me to explore and innovate in the art and craft industry, specifically in home decor. Now, in this new chapter of my life, I am redefining retirement as a time of personal reinvention and creative exploration. My journey is a testament to the idea that it's never too late to start anew, to learn, and to contribute in fresh and exciting ways.

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